Saturday, April 23, 2005

rain brings flowers


Holland really does come to life in the spring. Here's just a sample of what you can find at the famous Keukenhof exhibit in Lisse (outside of Amsterdam).


Sorry to say sports fans, but no pictures to share of my Sharks in action. The weather was absolutely horrid and the only camera that would have worked in those conditions was an underwater camera. Not to worry, game on Tuesday against Amsterdam that I might be able to get some shots of.

As for our team, we did quite well against Antwerp. The first inning was rather rocky as the kids were playing together as a team for the first time and it took a bit to figure out how to play defense. We gave up a few in the top of the first but rallied in the bottom to take the lead. Our defense started to shine in the torrential rain and put up two scoreless innings while tacking on some more to buffer our lead. Time was called (one hour time limit) and both teams headed back into the dressing room to dry off and Antwerp headed back home.

Final score - not exactly sure. It turns out that Dutch umpires do things a little differently than in the US. I was asked what the score was after the game and shrugged my shoulders - "I dunno, didn't you keep track?" He replied with, "In Holland the home coach keeps track of the score." Nice to know this AFTER the game is over...

In any case, the score isn't important. The kids had fun (on both teams) and there were no injuries - that's what really matters. And besides, I'll keep track of the score when we play them in the tournament in early May.

Coach X

Monday, April 18, 2005

opening day

Well sports fans - today is the day. The softball teams take the field today in our first match of the VERY short season. We play the Griffons of Antwerp International School in our first game and half of our season. Like I said, we have a very short one - two games before the tournament. I'm sure my teams will do just fine. :)

I'll post some pictures tomorrow and tell ya how we did. Check back later sports fans and I'll give ya the insider scoop.

Coach Expat Nomad

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

hint hint

I'm still hoping that someone out there can help me with writing questions for my survey (see below entry). Help me out here!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

need questions!

Good day my dear reader!

I was pondering something the other day, a note that a non-teaching friend of mine had about violence in the classroom. So I thought that I would find out just how teachers have been affected in the classroom by the violence that surrounds us. And then I also wondered about violence in any work place and how it affects a person who works there.

So I have decided to make a survey that will be done via the web that will allow people from all walks of life to chime in. What I am asking from you, my cherished reader, is this - what would be some questions that you would feel are appropriate to ask in such surveys?

Here are some ideas that I have already:
- Have you ever been involved in breaking up a fight between students?
- Have you ever been assaulted by a student? If so, was there a weapon involved?
- Have you ever been verbally threatened by a student or parent?

- Have you ever been assaulted by a peer at work? If so, was there a weapon involved?
- Have you ever been verbally threatened by a co-worker?
- Has there been an act of violence at your workplace? (I leave this question off the teaching questions simply because I know that there is not a single school out there that has not had a fight at it.)

Any other ideas? I am asking demograghic questions like time employed, age level taught (for teachers), education level (non-teachers), etc. What ever you can add would be greatly appreciated. If you send me your email address, I'll be sure to include you in the survey when it launches.

Thanks for any help you can give...