Friday, January 21, 2005

old college days

I am currently sitting in my classroom while Health class is going on. Mr A is teaching and they are currently talking about what you should do if bitten by an animal.

Mr A - "If you are bitten by an animal, you should go get a tetanus shot."
Student R - "What if you are bitten by a human, should you go get a shot?"
Mr A - "Yes. People are animals and if they break the skin, you should get a shot."

So I am forced to apologize to the Jennifers from my past that I punctured their behinds. Don't ask why I did it, just know that it was intended to be a show of affection (sick and twisted, I realize). If I had only been in this health class, then I would have known that I should have recommended to them that they go get that wonderful shot.

In any case - sorry Jennifer (both of you). Maybe you should go see a doctor about that bite from 15 years ago...


Anonymous said...

I still have the scars, but I don't regret it.
Give me a call, big boy. Jennifer #2

Expat Nomad said...

Good thing your hubby knows about those strange blue marks on your cheek... ;)

Anonymous said...

This is THE funniest post I've seen yet! I told it to a few of my colleagues, and we all had a good laugh! Shamash