Monday, August 15, 2005

lack of luster

I recently had a friend comment to me about how she missed reading my thoughts through my blog. I wish I had something good or bad to write about but I really don't. I'm just going through the usual business of being a teacher at the beginning of a school year.

My favorite part of a school is not the beginning or the end (well, maybe sometimes) but rather sometime around March. The start of a year is usually filled with the basics of a curriculum that "builds the foundation" on which the course is taught (read - tedious and boring). April and onward are kinda crap too because most are so busy looking forward to the end of the year that lose focus on what's important (read - teachers are as distracted as the students). My best teaching time is February and March.

If for no other reason than I have the kids full attention. The weather is so shitty that no one is asking to go out and play. The long winter vacation (formerly known as Christmas but is now known as 'Winter Break' to be politically correct) has satisfied both kids and adults since they got to spend 3 weeks away from each other. With the end of the year being so far away, kids are somewhat focused on what I am shoving into their brains that they actually think and do a good deal of learning. So bring on winter! Bring on the misery of February and March! Let the sun shine only for brief periods because the clouds hide it!

Or then again, maybe not.

Perhaps I'll just enjoy the summer/fall while it lasts...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Expat! Glad to hear that nothing's bad... and that you're hanging in there for Feb and March. My favorite time of the year is sept-oct: everyone at school is in the groove, motivation is high, and no one is sick of being at school (yet.) Hardest time to teach (for me) is April-May. I'm glad to be back but with school PLUS the ARP, how will I find time to listen to all those new tunes on my ipod? :-) - slim