Monday, May 23, 2005

not triumph-ant

Well, the deed is done and the Triumph is no more. I took the 93 Sprint Trident 900 back to my local dealer and let him have it. I am just not a sport-touring kinda guy. I enjoyed the freedom the bike gave me for the time that I had it but I just didn't feel comfortable on it. What can I say, I like cruisers. And besides, if you don't feel comfortable on a motorcycle, you'll probably crash.

So guess what I spied? A Kawasaki VN1500. That's right, a big thumpin' V-twin that reminds me of the bike that is currently sitting in storage in Ohio. I told my dealer that I wanted it and within 30 minutes, it was mine. I picked it up Friday and have been cruisin' around since. I did take a few hours off to watch Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and to chat with my friend Shamash; I can't spend every waking moment riding around (your butt tends to hurt if you do that).

Pictures to follow later in the week. And while I know that the majority of my readers could give a 'la-de-dah' about it, those who ride understand how ya feel when you get a new bike (new to you if nothing else). So comment if you like but I'm really not expecting it. I just wanted to share the news.

If you'll excuse me, I have a date with a twisty road to attend to...


Anonymous said...

You KNOW I'm jealous. I'd give my right hand to have a bike again. (Well... maybe not my right hand. That would be a bit.... futile.) The day I sold my Suzuki 450 a few years back was the day I sold a bit of my soul.

Cruise down to the UK with TWO helmets this summer. :-)


Expat Nomad said...

I most certainly will Slim. I know its a cliche, but I'll be happy to take you for a ride... ;)