Tuesday, September 27, 2005

unacquainted love

true love
Originally uploaded by bcurry35.
Last week I was in Barcelona for our school's 'trip week', known to others as "Week without Walls". I was one of the chaperones that took the 9th graders to visit this amazing city and I do like the city.

While there, we spent an afternoon at the beach. The kids and the chaperones needed a break from all the culture and so we headed down to the beach for some R&R. The kids walked further down the beach than the two chaperones and we sat and watched them from a distance.

We picked a spot that was close enough yet far enough and it just so happens that this young lady was about 10 meters away from us (chaperones). She caught my eye and over the course of the next few hours, I fell in love with her.

I never talked to her, never got any closer than 10 meters, never heard her speak, never saw the color of her eyes. She was just a student with a wonderful body that I let my imagination run rampant with. And no, I didn't imagine anything sexual - I fell in love with her much like the character Curly did in "City Slickers". Or perhaps it was more the idea of what she could be that I fell in love with. In any case, I was sad to see her leave the beach that afternoon but I was happy to have seen her, even if from a distance.

Now before my readers get all charged up about me being a pervert, her being topless had nothing to do with it. Truth be told, when she put her top on, she looked even better. And I before anyone rants on me about only looking at the body this woman has and placing too much on emphasis on it, please re-read this entry. My feelings for this woman are nothing to do with this acutal person, just the idea of what she could be. This particular woman just happens to be a visual personification of what I see in my mind as being a true love. Beauty comes in many shapes and forms, this just happens to be one of them.

So I'd like you to meet my true love, whomever she is. As soon as I find her, I'll be sure to introduce you two.


EdWonk said...

She looks like she's college age. Are minors permitted to go topless in Spain?

Expat Nomad said...

Yes, people can be topless at any age. And after seeing some of the people at the beach in Barcelona, you wish that they would have an upper age limit on it...

I was pretty sure she was a college student judging from the reading that she was doing. God I hope so, if not I could be in some serious trouble. ;)

Acid Zebra said...

"She caught my eye and over the course of the next few hours, I fell in love with her."... are you sure that should not read 'fell in lust'? :P