Sunday, November 13, 2005


As some of my readers may or may not know, I went to a fine university (twice) in the SE corner of Ohio in a little town called Athens. Ohio University has long been considered to be a 'party school'. This was further driven home with an article from the Princeton Review that did rank the party schools of the US. What can I say, people at OU like to enjoy their time away from their professors and 'embibe' different forms of alcoholic beverages. Perhaps that is the reason why I dropped out of school...

I recently found this from a current student who attends OU. Forgive the plagarism but I felt a need to share with my audience the pride that I have in my school. We may suck at sports but we have a kick-ass band and a tradition of enjoying our free time. While this quote may not be true (I'm not finding anything on the Playboy site to confirm it), it can be noted that we are ranked #2 on the Princeton Review (click on 'professionals' link above to visit site).

"We did not rate Ohio University on our top ten party schools because we feel it unfair to include professionals on a list of amateurs."
-Playboy Magazine, 2004

OU - drinking you under the table since 1804.

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