Tuesday, November 22, 2005

short hiatus

Its been a while since my last post and it got me to thinking about what to write about. I wish I could say that there was something cool and interesting going on in my life but truth be told, my life revolves around a couple of ideas - my graduate studies research and the quest for a new job. Neither one of them lend themselves to penworthy time (is that even correct?) so it somewhat points me to the new addition to the bottom of the page - my site meter.

I've had it in place for a few weeks now and I see that I do get some hits although I believe the majority of them to be from people who use Google to search for whatever. One of the nice things about the hit counter is that it tells me what terms people have found my site using. They range from "what does hup holland mean?" to "dwarf chinaman picture". An interesting mix indeed...

And it got me to thinking about possible topics for the future. Maybe there is something I can use from this site meter statistics page to write about. Inspiration comes in many forms, perhaps the googles of others can serve as mine.

So my first question goes out to Musings from the Void, a native Dutchman who is a self-proclaimed non-kaaskop. What does "Hup Holland" mean?


Acid Zebra said...

Well, as non-kaaskop I am hardly qualified to comment ;)

But it translates to something like 'Go Holland!' and is mainly used in soccer circles.

I am more interested in your pictures of dwarven chinamen, have you been holding out on us?

Sitemeters, well, hmm. I've used one for quite a bit, and some of the info was interesting. But on the whole I've decided I can do without. With or without audience, I will describe my life and times for future generations to marvel over *cough*. Plus they're terribly addictive; I caught myself looking at the stats again and again. So I removed it.

Acid Zebra said...

oh, ps. I can sympathise with the hiatus, wintertime is not the time for creative word stylings. I am fighting the urge to hibernate every single morning.

Expat Nomad said...

Actually, the dwarven chinamen comes from the jokeshow quotes I put up earlier (remember the bad pirate jokes?). Its amazing how the oddest of words get paired up in a Google search.