Sunday, November 27, 2005

student survey

So I must have some very bored students, well at least one in particular, because I recently got an email from her with a survey attached. I figured that I would post my answers for all to read because I sure wasn't going to send it back to her.

[A]rea Code - 3062 XM (postal code)
[B]est Band - Rush (is that suppposed to be a trick question?)
[C]olor of Choice - Green
[D]umbest Thing You Have Ever Said - "I thought you said it rained a lot in Holland..."
[E]ight Friends - Shamash, ZAP, Jeannie-bo-Beannie, SAM, SWill, Canadian Math Nerd, Mr. and Mrs. Rock, Bowie (names changed to protect the innocent AND some names were left off due to the limiting E - eight).
[F]irst Letter of Your Name - B
[G]reatest Movie - Miracle
[H]orrible CD You've Bought- Celine Dion (I dunno what I was thinking that day)
[I]llegal Thing You Have Done or Witnessed - broke into Stan Hywett mansion with a friend. No guard dogs that night!
[J]ello Flavor You Like - lime with vodka
[K]isses You Have Gotten - umm, I'm single and in my mid-30s, I've kinda lost tract of all the women that I've kissed over the years.
[L]unch That You Eat - whatever Tjeerd is serving in the cafeteria
[M]oney You Have Right Now - about 30 euro in my wallet, millions more in coins
[N]ine Foods You Like - pizza, lasagna, stroopwafels, nachos, chicken burrito, General Tsao's chicken (chinese), jagerschnitzel, baklava, burgers
[O]verall Thought Of Yourself - friendly, well-liked, respected
[P]athetic Pickup Line You Used/Someone Used on You - "Nice shoes, wanna fuck?" (actually I've only read that one but it just sounds so kewl).
[Q]uickest Mile You Have Done (that's 1.6 km to the rest of you)- 6:30
[R]eally Big Accomplishment - graduation from Naval Nuclear Power School
[S]omeone Special - no ONE special at the moment, lotsa good friends though
[T]alk You Will Never Forget - my Dad convincing me that I had met Bruce Lee's brother (long story but needless to say, my father lied to me).
[U]gliest thing/person/place - 1980s (and early 90s) Vancouver Canucks away jerseys (OMG, hideous indeed, I still have nightmares...)
[V]ery Important Possession - great great grandfather's pocketwatch
[W]hat You Last Ate - quesadillas with piri piri chicken
[X]treme Thing You Have Done - been through over 200 degrees Fahrenheit of temperature change (from 126 in Death Valley to -79 in Lake Placid)
[Y]our Favorite Thing To Do - play hockey (volleyball close second)
[Z]odiac Sign - Leo/Virgo cusp


Anonymous said...

This was really fun (and funny!) to read.

It's surprising how many of theanswers I already knew.

The most shocking of all?

The letter "H"

My GAWD, Expat!

Surprises never end! :P


Expat Nomad said...

As far as my H, I think I was engaged at the time and some bizarre impulse FORCED me to buy it. Needless to say, I have since sold that CD in a garage sale long ago.